Spiritual is one who makes an effort to know what is beyond the obvious, delves deeper in to the purpose of living, does deeds that are honest and believes in the absolute and definite truth.
The definite truth that life and death, success and setbacks, joy and sorrow, highs and lows; everything is temporary. The transient nature of everything should never be ignored.
However, what is eternal is our soul, our honest intent.
Conditioning stunts us. It makes us think from a filter right from the beginning.
I think it's imperative for parents to give their children enough space and freedom to think independently so they have their own views on issues.
It's very convenient and easy to pass off some one's view as your own. No intellect, reasoning and analysis is used; and most of us do it because who has the time to sit and ponder. Whatever works for one doesn't really work for the other.
To simply be is a phenomenon. The Kantian Philosophy.