Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Spiritual is one who makes an effort to know what is beyond the obvious, delves deeper in to the purpose of living, does deeds that are honest and believes in the absolute and definite truth.

The definite truth that life and death, success and setbacks, joy and sorrow, highs and lows; everything is temporary. The transient nature of everything should never be ignored.

However, what is eternal is our soul, our honest intent.


Life believes in colours. It says there aren't just dark black and blinding white. There are colours in everything; changing every hour, every minute.

One has to be watching, to notice, appreciate and savour the myriad colours. The irony is that death believes in it too.

The common thread: uncertainty.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Conditioning stunts us. It makes us think from a filter right from the beginning. 
I think it's imperative for parents to give their children enough space and freedom to think independently so they have their own views on issues. 

It's very convenient and easy to pass off some one's view as your own. No intellect, reasoning and analysis is used; and most of us do it because who has the time to sit and ponder. Whatever works for one doesn't really work for the other. 

To simply be is a phenomenon. The Kantian Philosophy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Deconstructing Religion

Time and again, the purpose of faith, the reason to follow a religion. Issues, questions that stir and shake the very cores of our conscience rise. I have no incisive knowledge, no great awareness to sermonise. All my faculties of reasoning, analysis, understanding and sense, morality and ethics, can gather is that religion is what one is. It means an individuality is religion, one's sensibilities, one sense for justice, one's compassion, all of this comprises religion.

I don't think one needs to study religious scriptures, The Quran , The Holy Bible, The Vedas, The Guru Granth Sahib to understand religion. A pure, noble, just conscience in every human being is that human being's religion.

Act versus Thought

An act of faith, a thought of faith, an act of love, a thought of love, an act of infidelity, a thought of infidelity, an act of honesty, a thought of honesty.

So it's act versus thought. An act has riders like regret, resentment, anger whereas a thought transcends all these emotions.
How can anyone find out/ discern/ know what goes in a mind. A thought in a mind is as innocent as the statement in Law which clearly says that "a person is innocent until proven guilty."

So the person inside each of us is guilty or not guilty because the outside person has the keys to the door of that house where Guilt may reside. What he inside person intends to divulge is what other people get to listen.

Powerful and uncontrollable like a mad Stallion is the inside person.
Beware yet beloved.

"An excerpt from life"

"Is it morally right or wrong to feel love for more than one person. I don't know. But over the years, over a few draining relationships, i've realised and accepted that love can't be contained, can't be defined, because love in every relationship is present and like every relationship is unique so is the love in it.

Every human being has some sort/ a form of relationship with another human being. Be it a man and a man, a man and a woman, a woman and another woman; each one shares a relationship with someone or the other and there are factors/reasons for them to be together/ in that relationship.

Nitin and Nimisha share a relationship which can't be defined. Well, for a simple reason they don't want to. Their rationale/logic is that if they define it then it may destroy/ mollify/ deprave or may just dilute the essence of them. It's fair to them. Nitin like to believe or rather astutely believes that nothing is wrong and nothing is right. Morals/ scruples/ ideals are not journalistic in nature."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Disenchantment with Attachment

A great philosopher once said, "Expectations are suicidal". I think along with that attachment is more suicidal. Well i know the following space will be filled with disjointed thoughts and random musings but i guess it's a reflection of my current state of mind.

Every morning when one wakes up the feeling of being alive is phenomenal. Cynics may frown and wonder,"Why? What on earth is so beautiful about waking up every morning and getting badgered by the day?"
Well, a positive mind like mine, at this point, may like to philosophize and say,"Since you are alive, you may change, can do a lot more to alter the day, to alter your life, iron out glitches, weed ill thoughts, wipe out people who affect you in a negative way, anything positive anything that can bring a much more than smile on your face, make you happy, cos it's fair to be a tad selfish, who isn't?"

The best way to cope with anything that someone near to you says that ruffles your sanity, peace of mind is to remind yourself that this moment when we are feeling sad, low, disgruntled, angry and dejected, the next moment none of it would be there cos death is not only inevitable but also fiercely unexpected. So when one dies nothing is left. Nothing at all.

So what i choose to do is to remain detached and if it helps me, after a lot of effort if i have been able to acquire it, then it should help others. And after sometime the efforts would be effortless.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Melting In

The very idea of relationship implies - self and the other. When we can let go of our illusions of being separate, and the protective defenses that this creates; we can become real lovers.
If you love a person open your heart completely, because even if you keep a small secret, that remains like a barrier. It may not be visible but underneath it separates you.

All secrets are like walls. If you drop all secrets, suddenly you are unburdened and the other comes closer and closer and no longer remains the other but becomes one.

Beauty of Love: all secrets can be dropped. Nothing exists between two individuals, nothing.
Then only they can flow into each other and an understanding arises. One feels unburdened and clean.
Unless love spreads it's wings to the whole sky and covers all the stars, it remains imprisoned, an imprisoned splendour. Do not imprison your love because that's your very "spirit."

And how many of us believe in the above or follow it in our lives? Self-introspection is the best answer.

Be the Witness

Be the witness. Let experiences pass. Let them come and go. Don't get distracted, unruffled by them. Do't be pulled in by them. Remain alert, unconcerned - just watching the traffic, watching the clouds in the sky, watching the world pass by, watching the rain.
It's difficult to simply be and ironic as it is - the most simple experience. And beautifully fulfilling.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why do Judges double up as moralists?

The recent case of the Japanese baby (Baby Manji) and the divorce one of the old couple has got me to change my opinion of our much revered and overblown judiciary system. There are no surrogacy laws in India and the poor baby, Japanese sperm and an unknown donor's egg, is parent less now. A legal battle has already ensued between a N.G.O in Rajasthan and two constitutional courts. The issue of propriety of surrogacy and child's nationality has left the father and grandmother in distress.

Our constitution is stuck in a quagmire of the personal opinions of those who dispense justice and the weaklings of lawyers who do not know how to help their clients. A judge is definitely entitled to his/her views but should observe some restraint in expressing them. The 16 year old dead marriage of Narendra Kumar Verma was not given it's due of an end. Why? Because the judge seeing the proceedings thought they should give their marriage a try. Now did Narendra go to meet a councillor. The Judges said that the archaic draconian laws on divorce in our constitution where the mutual consensus is required desisted him for meting out the decision of divorce.

It brings to light once again how our society has and does perceive divorce. there has been a lot of interaction with the west through web, TV, movies and that has led to a huge metamorphosis in the societal psyche. Liberalisation, economic independence, women taking charge at all fronts; all an outcome of our need to grow and know more.

What our judges don't understand is that unless they instead of becoming purists and preachers would simply do what they are suppose to- be facilitators. Let a couple decide whether they want to be with each other or not instead of sending messages through a prism of morality sitting on the throne of law.

Similarly the judiciary should wake up and take cues from the 20 year old case of Baby M in New Jersey and change the perceptions of people like me about those people who act as Gods, in the garb of Black Robes.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It is possible but very difficult to reach there. But once we do then it's bliss.

Life and humans love simplicity

Complications, lies, deceit, mind games and everything that can be negative, regressive and that hurts, take away peace of mind, sanity and calmness; is what no one wants yet they do or are at te receiving end of any of it. Every human somewhere knows what he/she is doing/thinking/going through but chooses to remain in denial, explanation: escapists have it easy and convenience is their second name.
Only if they knew where they are heading. In the end they realise nothing like simplicity and the absolute truth; an all encompassing peace of mind state is the one where there is no burden of any negativity, no burden of lies, no burden of anything that gives sleepless nights.
I hope what i am writing can be acheived by everyone even me.