Sunday, January 20, 2013

Experiencing Pragmatic Spirituality

Life and it's strange ways have always intrigued me to an extent of acute bewilderment. In my quest to find answers to questions which have befuddled my being and soul, I came across a unique approach of pragmatic spirituality. This is achieved through a yogic approach of Stress Management and Motivational Counseling at Jaslok Hospital conducted by Dr. Sanjay Divgi. This approach has helped me immensely in self-realisation to understand my unique self and unique reality. It has also benefited me to adjust my unique self with my unique reality and has set me on the path to reach my potential as a human being. To accept and accept happily the person I am and the reality of who I am, has filled me with a sense of calm and serenity through the improvements that I have experienced.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Contours of Pain

Sometimes there is a deep gash in the body and the resulting pain seems to be numbed by a scream of great hurt inside. Now, where does so much pain come from? It always leaves me in a bind.

Words, actions and observations can leave one standing amidst suffering, agony, grief and sometimes in a state of fugue. To decipher, (why do we have to decipher?) is a conundrum that in the beginning is unsolvable but with the breeze of time, the feeling of this-is-the-best-teacher shrouds us.

To be in state of pain and then making efforts to replace it with other emotions is an ordeal and only those who are in these existential spaces understand the gravity. It could be a pain of helplessness, a pain of wanting, the pain of a widow or the  pain of witnessing pain.

To be grateful for what we have and what we don't, requires a lot of mental tenacity and a strong will to yank one out of that 'state of pain.'

As someone correctly said, "Nothing is permanent."

P.S. Another post filled with incongruous thoughts and another year changes to another random number.