Monday, June 28, 2010

Simplicity Ignored. Why?

Is Indian a 'state of being' or an 'adjective'? For some it’s a band. Most of us use it like an identity robe. “I am Indian” “This looks very Indian”
Is it jingoistic to be ‘Indian’ or is it patriotic to be ‘Indian’?
This question is very confounding for a simple mind.
Why do we have to complicate life? Let us all be. In that state of just ‘being’ everything will turn normal. We have to disrobe ourselves of ‘conditioning’, of ‘relationships’, let us be human beings.
You know it is so easy to write such thoughts but so tough to implement in our lives. I feel that even if we resolve to follow something for a few hours and then extend it to days, months. It is a great bargain. For instance, “I will get up at 6 am tomorrow”
And yes, it happens. The next day I make the same resolution with a minor addition “I will wake up at 6 am and go for a walk” It works on a daily basis. I will not judge anyone for the whole day. Incredible! It works.
Bit by bit, drop by drop, thought by thought, deed by deed, we make life simpler. True to it’s nature. Nature has always been simple. So why, defy it.