Thursday, September 11, 2008

Melting In

The very idea of relationship implies - self and the other. When we can let go of our illusions of being separate, and the protective defenses that this creates; we can become real lovers.
If you love a person open your heart completely, because even if you keep a small secret, that remains like a barrier. It may not be visible but underneath it separates you.

All secrets are like walls. If you drop all secrets, suddenly you are unburdened and the other comes closer and closer and no longer remains the other but becomes one.

Beauty of Love: all secrets can be dropped. Nothing exists between two individuals, nothing.
Then only they can flow into each other and an understanding arises. One feels unburdened and clean.
Unless love spreads it's wings to the whole sky and covers all the stars, it remains imprisoned, an imprisoned splendour. Do not imprison your love because that's your very "spirit."

And how many of us believe in the above or follow it in our lives? Self-introspection is the best answer.

1 comment:

Snigdha Mishra said...

I love what uv written ....I believe in it n follow in my life. It takes the realtionship to another level. Letting go of oneself and dispelling ones' fears to someo one u love ..means that u truly love him..means that u trust him so much that u know that he gives u unconditional positive regard.

It brings a certain purity in the realtionship..when our subconscious is free of all defenses..when we are no longer burdened by guilt and fears.This also brings along a higher self esteem n self respect..because we understand that we are human and can err ... we bring our selves to belive that our life experiences , whatever they mey be have helped us evolve n become better.

we forgive urself of whatever wrongs we may have done...whatever guilt we have..n so we also become more accepting of people...not just our partner.