It's two in the night and I am wide awake thinking about how inimical the mind can be. Everything that the brain wonders, has or does not have a meaning. There are situations in one's life which are extremely difficult to understand. The complexity of the human mind is nothing but a mere 'complexity'. As human beings, we have been gifted with a mind which has the potential to either smash us into pieces or build us from smithereens. The choice, the rhetorical 'choice' has to be made. Sometimes, we are incapable of making choices, we end up by the choices made on our behalf by 'Destiny'.
Now, destiny, is this another facet of our existence that schmoozes us in ways which only 'it' understands. There are always questions but never submissions; always doubts but never an embracing faith; suffering but no respite; pain but no cure: "the 'buts' are the dark clouds that never let the silver linings glimmer."
P.S: If someone were to ask me, what does this post mean?
The answer, as they say, lies within.