Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Spiritual Quest?

Why are we here? What is our purpose? Our meaning to exist, is there any?

And more such questions rankle my being. Answers are elusive. Days are running by. Nights are endless. Time is short. What will be, will be? How?

Grab each moment and shake it up and what does one get after the shaking. More questions. Answers will come when the time is right. What is the right time?

Accept life as is. Adapt to nature, to people, cultures; no one will adapt to you.

Get your strength from acceptance and just writing it down it doesn't make it easy one bit.

Keep chugging along the path. Rehearsing and traversing the long and winding lane, where mystery of life keeps unfolding but one has to burn and burn till the end hits you.

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