Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Drizzles and drops!

The sea was being serenaded by those tiny droplets falling from the incandescent sky. In that sight, two fisherfolks were grappling with their nets. Their nets were entangled and free at the same time. Fish in the water were playing a game with the nets. In that sojourn of a play, the fish smiled at the naive' antics of those threads that made the net strong and vulnerable.  
The efforts were daunting, the efforts were continued and the play resumed with an indefatigable spirit.
Slow drops mixing with the huge waves steered their conviction, helping them in their lonely endeavors. 

Will it be netted?
Will they be set free?
Will the fisherfolks get by?

The ache of the characters felt an ache, experienced a joy, a truth: intense and depthless.

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