Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Death and Time

There is a feeling of emptiness, an emptiness that cannot be replaced with anything. The fields are marked dry, the winds have stopped blowing, the air is as still as a sleeping child, any moment the child can wake up. With these half-baked thoughts, the shepard wakes up and finds himself lying next to dead sheep. The sheep have no understanding of their state. And the state of the shepard is as bad as those of the sheep. He looks at them, buries his face in the darkness of his palms, the darkness is not enough to shut him out from the pain. "The pain will wither away", he says. He picks up a shovel, trudges along with it and chooses a spot to do the inevitable. A moral epiphany makes him conscious of what he wants to do. He wants to bury himself with them, but he won't. His heart is still beating. He is aware of his thoughts, he will transcend, the incongruity in his mind and heart may never go, but time will heal them and him.

After listening to this, Time tells Death, "there is no distinction between you and life, you are another form of it."
Death quips,"how do you know all this."

Time ruminates, "the credit of my philosophical musings goes to you, as you are my muse."

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