Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Johnsonian

 Imagine you are in the middle of an intense conversation about a relative who is not liked by your spouse. She walks away in her room when the relative is present in the house. Now, in such a conversation, the partner, instead of being empathetic and reasonable, points out an error in spelling or grammar, and makes an error herself, you say, she was being Johnsonian. 

That's an example of eponym, a word coined after another person. 

There are so many words in the English language which are coined after people who stand out, noble or not so noble. So I thought, let me look at my circle where I could meet these eponyms.

Bajaj: one who is known to disregard the poor

Usage: I am not a Bajaj, I am an egalitarian.

P.S. I think one eponym a day should be fine!



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