Monday, September 20, 2021

Lost to be found

You can't possibly sit and write here

what if I try

He pulls out his phone, turns the audio recorder.

ईस भीड़ में मेरी रुह बह गयी

बहते-बहते गुमशुदा हुई

मैं इस रंजिश में बह गया

कि वो कभी आयेगी कि नहीं

He looks at the Ferris wheels and tries to count the number of spokes. Each one is different, yet when they turn, they look the same. 

This is how our lives are, we are going round in circles, I need to find myself before I find us.

He turns and gets lost in the labyrinth of people.

P.S. I am continuing to post some words written based on the picture prompts given.

Picture prompt 18 

Write 100 words on the picture. 

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