Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Coffee beans

Coffee beans roast on a woodland hill,

A melody rose up from a lonely rill;

The kettle whistled only to wither away,

No one heard what the brook had to say,

The drowsy world dreamed on.

Gliding through the curtain frills, a whiff crept,

Till It fell on the bed where a drunk slept;

A murmur and a frown lit his wrinkled face,

nonetheless save the gnomes their enigma could trace,

For the drowsy world dreamed on.


Beans popped like corns,

A floweret bloomed beneath the thorn;

The scent of the beans waylaid the sleep,

waking even the dead from their deep.


while the charms and joys inspire like the picture of dawn

like the playthings of Nature and Time - 

they gleam and are gone.

On its wings, the morning wafted away

 While the drowsy world dreamed on.


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